Do you offer free estimates and consultations?
Yes, all estimates are free. We try to dedicate up to 30 minutes on-site for an estimate. Usually, we charge a $175 fee on simple designs that's refundable or deducted upon completion of the project. We also have the ability to do more extensive designs that take a bit of time with a more complicated software which can run upwards of near $1,000. Our lawn mowing, mulching, and cleanup quotes are always free.
How long does it take for me to get an estimate?
We can usually schedule something within one week of initial contact. On a simple job you can have a price instantaneous. On something more complicated, we try to have everything back within 3-4 business days. Our owner likes being involved in all our designs and more complicated estimates, which adds time.
Do you do residential lawn care or any mowing?
Yes, we focus on high-end residential and commercial/HOA properties for lawn care and property maintenance services. We generally do not offer lawn treatments in-house but can refer out or subcontract to reputable partners. We can include an array of services like weeding, mulch, trimming and pruning, seasonal cleanups, snow removal and so on and so forth on 12-month contract. Our schedule usually fills up quick!
What does landscaping cost?
Generally, we do not have a minimum price on a project. A simple job of some mulch and bed edging can range from a few hundred dollars. While a blank canvas of ---- a new lawn with sod Installation, design services, new landscaping and bed creation which can be quite extensive and expensive. Regardless, we have the experience working on large jobs for private estates and homeowners, corporations and general contractors, as well as and doing small jobs couple hour jobs for repeat customers. Big or Small, we can do it all!
Do you do residential driveways for snow plowing?
Sorry, we only focus on commercial snow plowing and salting services with Seasonal and Per Push contracts. The urgency and service level of these contracts prevent us from having time to also service driveways, however, we can help refer you out to other local residential vendors. We also offer snow removal with heavy equipment and trucking.
I am in need of trees planted on my property; can you help?
Yes, we are proficient in planting trees. With the right conditions, we have the ability to plant over 100 trees on a property in a given day with our equipment, and we also warranty our work. We know the height to plant different trees, soil amendments needed, and we prepare the burlap, cages and balls so that it does not hinder the trees growth down the road.
How much is a patio?
We prefer to price on the job rather than by square foot. However, usually a sq foot price for our Paver services can range from $25-65 per sq foot depending on the expense or size of the material. For example, a small 225 sq foot patio with high-quality Unilock pavers came out to be under $7,000 with excavation and topsoil. In addition, we use open grade base techniques, lasers and sealers to protect the longevity of your investment and make sure water/ freeze thaw will not be a problem.
How do you bill, and do you require deposits?
We bill reoccurring services on a Net 15 and/ or Net 30 basis and jobs are usually billed due upon receipt of invoice. Generally, we only require deposits of 50% or phase payments on projects over $10,000. Long story short, rest assured you do not have to worry about giving a deposit to us and us being gone in the wind like some other contractors.